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Open Call

We are looking for writers and artists to join our team! 

Do you have a passion for niche topics? Are you a nerd for history and current events? Do you micro-analyze every TV Show you watch? Do you love reading fiction or nonfiction? Do you have a love for writing and art? If so, you may be a good fit for our team.

The New Absurdist is a volunteer-run space for the creative, the curious, and unapologetically passionate to engage in educated discourse and promote positive growth in the world. Our goal is to use the internet to create a publication where creativity, curiosity, and passion can flourish. You can think of The New Absurdist as a free and publicly accessible online library curated by our team for quality, impact, and length. 

As an editorial team working with the public, we like collaborating to use our talents to make the world a kinder, smarter, and more interesting place to live in. We believe the Personal is Political, and we don’t shy away from politics intertwined with personal experience. 

 If you are interested in joining our team of artists and writers, let us know by submitting your application at the following google forms. If you have any questions about the New Absurdist or the application process, please contact us at

Please make sure to read through the entire application, Terms and Conditions and our About Us page  before submitting your application. 

Staff Writer Expectations:

  • Staff Writers will contribute at least one nonfiction, fiction, or visual essay per month to be published on the New Absurdist as a staff piece (e.g. flash fiction, essay, review, opinion piece, etc).
  • Staff Writers will pitch their idea to the editors before writing their piece to make sure it would be a good fit for the publication.
  • Staff writers are welcome and encouraged to collaborate with staff artists and editors.

Staff Writer Application Requirements: 

  • Bio. Tell us about yourself! 
  • Topics of interest. What do you like to write about? Are you working on anything right now? 
  • Prior experience. What is your writing background? Have you been published before? 
  • Why would you like to join the New Absurdist? 
  • How did you hear about us? 
  • 2- 3 pieces of writing work samples. This should reflect the kind of writing you would like to contribute to the New Absurdist, your current interests, and what you consider your strongest work. Ex. flash fiction, essay, review, opinion, nonfiction etc
  • Pitch us an idea or two! If you joined us on board, what would you immediately be interested in writing about?

Staff Artist Expectations

  • Staff Artists will create at least one illustration per month to be used as a cover for an editor’s pick on the New Absurdist. See examples of previous covers here
  • Editors will assign Staff Artists an Editor’s pick as a cover prompt every month.
  • Artists are also welcome to contribute visual essay staff pieces, and are encouraged to collaborate with other staff writers and artists to create original work.
  • Pitch us your idea, we’ll let you know if it’s a good fit!

Staff Artist Application Requirements: 

  • 5 pieces of artwork. This should reflect the kind of work you would like to contribute to the New Absurdist, your current interests, and what you consider your strongest work. 
  • Topics of interest. This will give us an idea of the kind of work you are interested in creating/are currently working on 
  • Bio. Tell us about yourself!
  • Prior experience. What is your artistic background? Do you have experience collaborating with writers, creating artwork based on stories, writing about your/others work, working with a publication before
  • Would you be interested in contributing any written work? 
  • Why would you like to join the New Absurdist? 
  • How did you hear about us?

Before You Apply

Please note that these are all volunteer positions. The New Absurdist is an entirely non-profit labor of love project for all of our members, including our editorial team. 

Please reference our Content We Publish page, as well as our Publishing Guidelines to get an idea of the content we look for when we consider submissions. 

We encourage all applicants to review our Terms & Conditions to learn more about our policies concerning the publication of art and writing at the New Absurdist. 

If you have any questions at all about the New Absurdist or the application process, don’t hesitate to ask. Contact us at or on instagram @newabsurdist 

What to expect after your application? 

Our  editorial team will review your application and email you if we are interested in an interview/ general information session. 

Staff writers and artists will be featured and credited on our website alongside the editors, as well as social media, so we are hoping to put together an enthusiastic, diverse, and reliable team. 

Send your application by filling out the following google forms.